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Submit your event here. All events are reviewed before they are published. We reserve the right edit your entry, and we reserve the right to not publish events.
Week of Events
Mobile CRV Buy Back Recycling
Mobile CRV Buy Back Recycling
Redeem your CRV eligible Recyclables Monday at the Caspar Community Center. All items must have their original labels and be empty, clean, and dry. Closed from 12:00-12:30 for lunch. Info: Candswaste
Covered Calif. Open Enrollment
Covered Calif. Open Enrollment
It’s Open Enrollment time! Are you wondering how to apply for health insurance through Covered California? Or wondering if you qualify for healthcare coverage through Medi-Cal?At Mendocino Coast Clinic they have Certified Enrollment Counselors on staff who can help you to choose the right plan for you and your family. They can figure out what […]
Lunch at the Senior Center
Lunch at the Senior Center
Five days a week the Redwood Coast Senior Center severs lunch from 11:30 to 1:15, Monday through Friday. You do NOT have to be a senior to eat lunch at the senior center, it's open to ALL - a suggested donation for over seniors aged 60 and over is $5; people aged 60 and under: […]
Monday Night Jazz Jam
Monday Night Jazz Jam
Free jazz jam each Monday from6 to 9 at Tall Guys Brewing in Fort Bragg. Swing dance lesson start at 5
Guest House Volunteers
Guest House Volunteers
The Guest House Museum needs volunteer docents! Being a museum docent isn't hard it;s only a few hours a month. A docent is a Friendly Presence, greeting visitors and selling postcards or a book. Learn about our town, our region. There is something here for everyone. You don't need to be a historian or “history […]
Artists for Art In The Gardens
Artists for Art In The Gardens
Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens invites artists to submit an application to exhibit their original work at the 32nd annual Art in the Gardens, a juried art show and summer festival. The two-day event will take place on Saturday and Sunday, August 2 and 3 For more details and to be considered in the jury process, […]
Covered Calif. Open Enrollment
Covered Calif. Open Enrollment
It’s Open Enrollment time! Are you wondering how to apply for health insurance through Covered California? Or wondering if you qualify for healthcare coverage through Medi-Cal?At Mendocino Coast Clinic they have Certified Enrollment Counselors on staff who can help you to choose the right plan for you and your family. They can figure out what […]
Lunch at the Senior Center
Lunch at the Senior Center
Five days a week the Redwood Coast Senior Center severs lunch from 11:30 to 1:15, Monday through Friday. You do NOT have to be a senior to eat lunch at the senior center, it's open to ALL - a suggested donation for over seniors aged 60 and over is $5; people aged 60 and under: […]
Bing York @ Heritage House
Covered Calif. Open Enrollment
Covered Calif. Open Enrollment
It’s Open Enrollment time! Are you wondering how to apply for health insurance through Covered California? Or wondering if you qualify for healthcare coverage through Medi-Cal?At Mendocino Coast Clinic they have Certified Enrollment Counselors on staff who can help you to choose the right plan for you and your family. They can figure out what […]
Artists for Art In The Gardens
Artists for Art In The Gardens
Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens invites artists to submit an application to exhibit their original work at the 32nd annual Art in the Gardens, a juried art show and summer festival. The two-day event will take place on Saturday and Sunday, August 2 and 3 For more details and to be considered in the jury process, […]
Lunch at the Senior Center
Lunch at the Senior Center
Five days a week the Redwood Coast Senior Center severs lunch from 11:30 to 1:15, Monday through Friday. You do NOT have to be a senior to eat lunch at the senior center, it's open to ALL - a suggested donation for over seniors aged 60 and over is $5; people aged 60 and under: […]
Kids Story Time
Kids Story Time
Join the Fort Bragg Youth Librarian, Kim for stories and sing-alongs, most Fridays & Saturdays, 10:30 – 11 am. Rhyme Time Story Time is the first Friday and Saturday of the month
Lunch at the Senior Center
Lunch at the Senior Center
Five days a week the Redwood Coast Senior Center severs lunch from 11:30 to 1:15, Monday through Friday. You do NOT have to be a senior to eat lunch at the senior center, it's open to ALL - a suggested donation for over seniors aged 60 and over is $5; people aged 60 and under: […]
January Skate Nights
January Skate Nights
January Skate Nights are happening Saturday nights from 6 to 8pm at the Old Rec Gym sponsored by Mendocino Coast Clinics. Bring your own skates it's $8 and if you need to rent skates it $10. Skate Nights Lineup: 1/3: All Ages 1/10: All Ages 1/17: ADULT ONLY 1/24: All Ages 1/31: All Ages
Kids Story Time
Kids Story Time
Join the Fort Bragg Youth Librarian, Kim for stories and sing-alongs, most Fridays & Saturdays, 10:30 – 11 am. Rhyme Time Story Time is the first Friday and Saturday of the month
Artists for Art In The Gardens
Artists for Art In The Gardens
Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens invites artists to submit an application to exhibit their original work at the 32nd annual Art in the Gardens, a juried art show and summer festival. The two-day event will take place on Saturday and Sunday, August 2 and 3 For more details and to be considered in the jury process, […]
Guest House Volunteers
Guest House Volunteers
The Guest House Museum needs volunteer docents! Being a museum docent isn't hard it;s only a few hours a month. A docent is a Friendly Presence, greeting visitors and selling postcards or a book. Learn about our town, our region. There is something here for everyone. You don't need to be a historian or “history […]